Corporate Education Providers (CEP)

$1,500 per year (+ GST)

AIH is committed to and promotes the development of young horticulturists through the national network of training providers who deliver and assess horticulture training and education courses. AIH nurtures horticulture teachers and support staff by providing access to our member network and industry support.

Training providers who hold Corporate Membership and agree to the terms of this agreement have access to complimentary student and teacher membership. The membership will be classified as ‘AIH Corporate Education Providers’ in line with our Standard Operating Procedures October 2023.

The following Terms and Conditions are offered by AIH to Corporate Education Provider members:

Advertising and Promotion 

  • (education entity) will be classified as a Corporate Education Provider. (CEP)
  • Members to be included in the new ‘AIH Sponsors Partners’ web page with an overview of their services and link to their website.
  • Logo placed on the corporate members page of the quarterly HortInsights magazine
  • Listed in the ‘Find a Member’ website directory 

Free Membership Inclusions 

  • Student membership – 
    • Whilst enrolled with (education entity) in an AQF Certificate III or above; qualification and Being the student’s first horticulture qualification: 
      • Will be free to the student for a max period of 3 years OR until graduation; whichever is the earlier of the two. 
    • After graduation, if the student has not completed 3 years fulltime equivalent employed as an horticulturist they are offered a discounted membership as a Graduate member for a period of 2 years.
  • Benefits for Students
    • Access to digital on-line copies of AIH quarterly e-mag HortInsights at a value of $39.80 per year
    • Access to digital on-line copies of Hort Journal – 11 per year at a value of $69.00 
    • Discounted fees or free access to AIH events, conferences, webinars and workshops.
    • Access to network of the leaders in the horticulture industry, with possibility of direct mentoring by a member/s. 
    • Access to annual AIH student award prizes. 
  • Teacher Membership
    • AIH Teacher Member status, for a period of 2 years, to all horticultural, and related studies, teaching and horticultural support staff who deliver and/or assess training.
    • Teaching and support staff must met AIH criteria for individual membership. Please refer to
    • We encourage all teachers of horticulture and allied studies to partake of this opportunity.
  • Benefits to Teachers 
    • Access to digital on-line copies of AIH quarterly e-mag HortInsights value of $39.80
    • Discounted fees access to AIH events, conferences, webinars and workshops.
    • Access to our network of the leaders in the horticulture industry for advisory and advocacy support 
    • Access to enter relevant annual AIH awards. 

$ Value of AIH membership benefits to  – a valuable marketing tool for (education entity)

  • Student membership is $99.00 plus AIH HortInsights magazines $39.80 per year plus HortJournal $69 per year. Total $207.80 per student 
  • Teacher Membership: is $99.00 plus AIH HortInsights magazines $39.80 per year plus. Total $138.80 per teacher member.

What AIH Require of the CEP

  • AIH to provide membership reports every 3 months to enable the (education entity)to verify enrolments of students and employment of teaching staff as per the report. 
  • (education entity) must verify the individuals within 14 days of receipt of report from AIH.

Annual Discount Codes 

(education entity) will receive new discount codes for each financial year for distribution by (education entity) to enrolled horticultural students and teaching and horticultural support staff on or about June 1st of each year.

Cost to (education entity) as at May 2024 is $1650.00 inc GST and is payable July 1st 2024. 

Contact Annette Irish Membership Support 0406 824 438 Mon – Fri, 11:00am – 4:00pm 
