Horticulturist Membership

$300 per calendar year (+ GST)

AIH is the leading professional association for practising horticulturists. The foundation membership level of horticulturist provides recognition as a professional horticulturist. Membership opens up varied opportunities for projects and referrals.
Terms and Benefits

Applicants must have a minimum of Certificate III or equivalent and 2 years’ experience in the field of Horticulture OR 5 years current horticultural industry experience.

Members must commit to apply the Institute’s Code of Ethics.

Applicant must provide name of qualification, issuing institute and/or information on years of experience application for membership approval.

You may use the post-nominal MAIH following your name and you may to choose to be listed in the AIH Member Directory.

This membership includes an annual online subscription of 11 editions to HortJournal, the quarterly AIH HortInsights magazine and other notices, with an option to receive the annual copy of OutdoorDesign industry directory.

Members are entitled to member-specific pricing to attend AIH events, workshops and webinars – these vary by events.

Annual renewal falls due July 1st payments are received online using Visa, MasterCard or American Express.
